Poster61 Videos

SC05 – Highly Efficient Dome Shaped Nanowires Solar Cell

El-Bashar R., Hameed M. F. O., Obayya S. S. A.

The optical characteristics of Si dome-tapered nanowires (NWs) solar cell (SC) are reported and analyzed by using finite difference time domain method. The geometrical parameters are studied to maximize the light absorption and hence the ultimate efficiency and short circuit current density of the reported NWs SC. The dome-shaped NWs show better absorption enhancement than […]

D08 – Numerical Simulation on the Effect of Operation Temperature on the Optical Transfer Characteristics for GaN/AlGaN SAM Avalanche Photodiodes

Wang M., Wang Z., Wang X., Cui H., Chen Y., Ma W.

GaN/AlGaN avalanche photodiodes (APDs) have important application values and broad application potentials in the field of solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) detection. However, the self-heating effect has an obvious influence on the output characteristics of GaN/AlGaN APDs. In order to study the influence of self-heating temperature on its performance, the numerical model of GaN/AlGaN APDs is established […]

NM13-Highly sensitive ring resonator based refractive index sensor for label free biosensing applications

Kundal S., Khandelwal A.

Ring resonator based label free refractive index biosensor is proposed for detecting glucose and hemoglobin concentrations. To improve device sensitivity and Q factor, various parameters of ring resonator are optimized. The designed ring resonator sensor can sense hemoglobin and glucose concentrations with a high sensitivity of 424 nm/RIU and Q factor of 802.

NM10 – One channel tunable bandpass superconducting filter for wavelength selective switching applications in communications systems

Gonzalez Reyes L. E., Segura-Gutierrez L. M., Ordonez J. E., Zambrano G., Reina J. H.

We design and evaluate the performance of optical filters that are built from one-dimensional photonic crystals (PhCs) amenable for integration into optical networks based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The photonic heterostructures comprise the integration of a ferroelectric (BaTiO3), a dielectric (Y2O3), and a critical high-temperature superconductor material (YBa2Cu3O7−X) in between. Such nanosystems can allow […]

P12 – Design and Simulation of Temperature Sensors Based on Thermo-Optical WGM Shifts in Silica and Non-Silica Glass Microcavities

Marisova M. P., Andrianov A. V., Anashkina E. A.

Sensing applications of dielectric microcavities with whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) have been actively studied in the recent years. Here we investigated theoretically temperature microsensors based on different glasses, including common silica glass, as well as special germanate, tungsten-tellurite, arsenic sulfide and arsenic selenide glasses. We developed numerical model describing sensing characteristics of the considered microcavities. We […]

LD12 – Study of reflectivity and resistance properties of p-type distributed Bragg reflectors with composition graded interfaces

Cheng L., Yang D., Yao S.

In this work, the reflectivity and series resistance of the p-type distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) under the different thickness of composition graded interface layers, Al composition of the high Al composition layers, Al composition of the low Al composition layers, and the number of DBR periods are simulated […]

P16 – Plasmonic Dual D-shaped PCF Sensor for Low Refractive Index Applications

Gamal Y., Younis B. M., Hameed M. F. O., Obayya S. S. A.

Dual D-shaped (DD-shaped) plasmonic photonic crystal fiber (PCF) for refractive index sensing is designed and analyzed. In the proposed design, two gold nano-rods are attached to the two etched surfaces of the PCF to enhance the sensing characteristics. The surface plasmon (SP) modes excited at the metal/dielectric interfaces are strongly coupled to the PCF core […]

IS12 – A compact Kerr effect based Plasmonic Logic Device for Nanotechnology Applications

Singh L., Pareek P., Dixit A., Agarwal V.

This work utilizes the vital property of Kerr effect of altering the phase of optical signal to numerically investigate the plasmonic XOR/XNOR logic device for nanotechnology applications. Extinction ratio (ER) and insertion loss (IL) of basic switching element (Mach-Zehnder interferometer) is evaluated and plotted as a function of length of interferometric arms. The obtained result […]

P14 – Dynamically tunable Graded Index Photonic Crystal lens based on Dirac semimetal

Panahianfar P., Rezaei B.

In this paper, we design a graded-index photonic crystal based on Dirac semimetals and simulate the light propagation in the proposed structure using two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method. The numerical results indicate that the designed GRIN PC has focusing capability for incident light at terahertz frequency range, and its focal distance can be tuned through changing […]

P09 – 120° Hybrid for Bimodal Interferometers

An 120° hybrid for bimodal interferometers in the 220 nm silicon-on-insulator technology is presented. Three output signals enable an unambiguous phase detection over a 360°-range as well as a constant sensitivity. The length of the hybrid is only 190 µm with a simulated excess loss of 0.16 dB. Measurements combined with digital signal processing verify […]

P18 – The counter-propagating traveling-wave technique for optimizing a continuous-wave fiber laser presenting excited state absorption

Barmenkov Y. O., Aboites V., Minguela-Gallardo J. A.

We report results of simulation of a continuous-wave fiber laser with active medium presenting an excited state absorption. The laser was simulated using the counterpropagating traveling-wave technique with taking into account two laser waves propagating along the laser cavity in opposite directions, two waves of amplified spontaneous emission, and exited state absorption observed for both […]

NM07 – Early Cancer Detection by Plasmonic PCF Sensor

Abdelghaffar M., Gamal Y., Soliman W., Badr Y., Hameed M. F. O., Obayya S. S. A.

Great research work has been studied for cancer detection due to its high death rate. In this paper, a novel design of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is introduced and numerically analyzed for cancer cell detection. Full vectorial finite element method (FVFEM) is used throughout the numerical analysis of […]

IS13 – Design and Performance Analysis of All Optical Half Adder based on Carrier Reservoir SOA -Mach Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) Configuration

Agarwal V., Pareek P., Singh L., Chaurasia V.

In this manuscript, Carrier reservoir SOA (CR-SOA) based half adder is proposed and simulated at 100 Gb/s. CR-SOA has fast carrier recovery, due to presence carrier reservoir which enables its use at higher data rates on the other hand conventional SOA suffers from slow carrier recovery which leads to unequal amplification of pulses. The obtained […]

P13 – Genetic algorithm optimization of infrared plasmonic absorbers

Souza Bezerra D., Rodriguez-Esquerre V. F.

The absorption of a multiband absorber based on a periodical plasmonic grating has been optimized. The optical and geometrical parameters of the plasmonic structure which is composed of germanium and gold are determined by an efficient genetic algorithm. The electromagnetic response of the absorber is numerically obtained by using the frequency domain finite element method. […]

LD13 – Numerical Analysis of Electrically Pumped SiGeSn/GeSn Quantum Well Transistor Laser

Ranjan R., Pareek P., Malviya N.

The threshold current density of electrically pumped Sn incorporated group IV alloy based transistor laser (TL) is analyzed by proposing and designing a theoretical model for the same. Active region for the lasing action is formed by strain compensated GeSn single quantum well (QW) in the base of the transistor. The threshold current density for […]

P07 – Low-Cross-Talk Metal-Dielectric-Metal Waveguide Intersections Based on Sodium

Rodriguez-Esquerre V. F., Muzis Sobrinho C. G., Matos Barreto P. P., Malheiros-Silveira G. N.

We analyzed the transmission properties of two plasmonic waveguides crossing by using numerical simulations. The subwavelength width waveguides are composed of sodiumair-sodium. The crossing structure is composed by a compact cross-shaped resonant cavity with a four-fold symmetry. The results demonstrated the feasibility of using sodium as a low loss material for several applications for nanoplasmonic […]

IS11 – Numerical Investigation of the Performance of OAM-Mode Shifting Recirculating Delay Loop Under the Effect of Mode Shifter Displacement

Almaiman A.

We investigate the effect of OAM mode shifter displacement on the performance of the OAM-mode shifting recirculating delay loop by simulating the beam propagation using Kirchhoff-Fresnel diffraction. Simulation results indicate that 20 delayed replicas may be obtained with >10 dB signal-to-crosstalk ratio (SCR) if alignment is perfect and ℓshift=+1

P23 – Nanoplasmonic Ultra Compact, Low Insertion Loss UWB Band-Pass Filter Using Square Ring Resonators

Thirupathaiah K., Rao L. K., Boda R.

This article presents the design and analysis of a nanoplasmonic ultra wide band (UWB) band-pass filter based on metal insulator metal (MIM) slot-waveguide using three square ring resonators (SRRs) for obtaining ultra wide band nature at optical frequencies. This filter shows the low insertion loss due to the zero coupling gaps and no mismatch between […]

P15 – Numerical simulation of silicon grating-based plasmonic sensor

Kumar Pandey A., Kumar H.

This work reports on the application of silicon grating-enabled nanostructure for refractive index sensing application in the near-infrared region. This grating helps in launching the plasmon modes efficiently towards the flat metal film deposited with a thin Al2O3 layer. The normal incidence light is used which can be helpful for its integration with optical fiber. […]

N08 – Inverse Design of Multilayer Thin film by Deep Neural Network

Kumar P., Mihret F., Mishra A., Shivaleela E. S., Srinivas T.

Inverse Design of TiO2 − SiO2 based multilayer thin film for normal incidence of TM polarized light in visible region by Deep Neural Network is reported. The simulated and the target transmission spectra are closely following.

P19 – Numerical Assessment of Bloch Surface Wave 1D-PhC Sensor using Ba2NaNb5O15 Defect Layer

Sagar K., Kumar A.

In this paper, a top defective layer of Barium sodium niobate (Ba2NaNb5O15) material of nanometer range thickness is used to confine Bloch surface mode at the upper interface of the proposed structure. For a 1275 nm operating wavelength, the structural characteristics are intended to stimulate a BSW at the top interface. Wavelength interrogation, angle interrogation, […]

NM09 – Calculation of intersubband absorption in n-doped BaSnO3 quantum wells

Stanojević N., Radovanović J., Vuković N.

In this work we explore novel and promising BaO/BaSnO3 perovskite-oxide quantum well material system which has recently attracted attention due to its many advantages and possible applications in electronic devices. We focus on calculation of intersubband absorption in La-doped BaSnO3 quantum wells and investigate the tuning of absorption spectra with QW thickness and external electric […]

P21 – Numerical investigation of optical bistability in inhomogeneous PT -symmetric gratings

Sudhakar S., Vignesh Raja S., Govindarajan S.

Customizing the nonlinear profile along the direction of propagation helps in the realization of low-power all-optical switches. The switching intensities are extremely low (<0.01) in the broken regime provided that the light launching direction is right. It is believed that the switching intensities in the broken regime are always higher than that of the unbroken […]

D09 – Analysis of Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution using single-photon detectors

Sharma V., Bhardwaj A.

We investigated the performance of differential phase shift quantum key distribution using InGaAs/InP and Silicon-APD (avalanche photo diode) for generating secure keys, secure communication distance, and bit error rates under the various operating conditions.We compare the quantum bit error rate and the secure key generation rate as a function of communication length.Our simulation results show […]