Poster61 Videos

We numerically calculated the time-resolved photoluminescence spectra using the bimolecular trapping-detrapping model. The variations of carrier lifetimes are investigated by changing the carrier recombination and trapping rate constants, as well as the concentration of available trapping states.
P19 – Numerical Assessment of Bloch Surface Wave 1D-PhC Sensor using Ba2NaNb5O15 Defect Layer
In this paper, a top defective layer of Barium sodium niobate (Ba2NaNb5O15) material of nanometer range thickness is used to confine Bloch surface mode at the upper interface of the proposed structure. For a 1275 nm operating wavelength, the structural characteristics are intended to stimulate a BSW at the top interface. Wavelength interrogation, angle interrogation, […]
NM09 – Calculation of intersubband absorption in n-doped BaSnO3 quantum wells
In this work we explore novel and promising BaO/BaSnO3 perovskite-oxide quantum well material system which has recently attracted attention due to its many advantages and possible applications in electronic devices. We focus on calculation of intersubband absorption in La-doped BaSnO3 quantum wells and investigate the tuning of absorption spectra with QW thickness and external electric […]
P21 – Numerical investigation of optical bistability in inhomogeneous PT -symmetric gratings
Customizing the nonlinear profile along the direction of propagation helps in the realization of low-power all-optical switches. The switching intensities are extremely low (<0.01) in the broken regime provided that the light launching direction is right. It is believed that the switching intensities in the broken regime are always higher than that of the unbroken […]
D07 – Theoretical study of back-to-back avalanche photodiodes for mid- and longwave infrared applications
The dual-band N+-p-p-p-P+-p-p-p-n+ avalanche photodiode (APDs) structure is designed and numerically analyzed in detail. We conducted a theoretical study of APD for medium wave (MWIR) and longwave infrared (LWIR) applications. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics for the bias range -6V
D09 – Analysis of Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution using single-photon detectors
We investigated the performance of differential phase shift quantum key distribution using InGaAs/InP and Silicon-APD (avalanche photo diode) for generating secure keys, secure communication distance, and bit error rates under the various operating conditions.We compare the quantum bit error rate and the secure key generation rate as a function of communication length.Our simulation results show […]
LED09 – Enhanced optoelectronic properties of UV-C light-emitting diode
We numerically analyzed proposed structure named as LED S2 in comparison to reference structure LED S1. In LED S2 we introduced undoped AlGaN and p-AlGaN layers between the electron blocking layer (EBL) and the p-GaN (hole injecting layer). The simulation finding shows proposed structure (LED S2) provide a better strategy for lowering electron overflow and […]
N09 – Beam shaping using a chain of photonic nanojet induced plasmonics
Photonic nanojet arises from a microcavity leading to high electric field. On the other hand, metal nanoparticles (NPs) lead to high field due to localization in small volumes. In this work, PNJ from an array of cavity induced plasmon resonances has been studied. The sharp profile of the PNJ has been observed by the inclusion […]
LED03 – RGB LED active region design and optimization with Genetic Evolution Algorithm
Multi-quantum-well (MQW) LED is a complex distributed system with strong interaction between two opposite carrier flows, electrons and holes. For both types of carriers, the carrier injection into each QW depends on transport conditions across the whole active region (AR) and is affected by capture-recombination balance in all active QWs. Multi-color LEDs with different types […]
P17 – Simulation Analysis of Microring Resonator in Mobius Topology
In this paper, a microring resonator in Mobius topology is modelled and simulation analysis is carried out. The free spectral range of this silicon-on-insulator based photonic device is found to be 23.4 nm. This structure of microring resonator finds place in various applications such as sensors, polarization analysis, wavelength-selective reflectors.
P20 – Simulation of Optical Planar Waveguide Sensor for Microplastics Detection in Water
Nowadays, microplastics pollution has become a global concern as it endangers the ecology, marine animals, and cause health threats to human beings. This paper attempted to simulate an optical planar waveguide sensor for microplastics detection in water via Wave Optics Module-COMSOL Multiphysics®. The analyte refractive index was ranged from 1.4800 to 1.5000 RIU, in reference […]
D06 – Examination of Resonant Cavity Enhanced Strain Compensated SiGeSn/GeSn Interband MQWIP
In this work, mathematical investigation is done for the potential of Group IV alloy based resonant cavity enhanced interband multiple quantum well photodetector (MQWIP). Strain balanced multiple quantum well structure is proposed to be configured between two Bragg reflectors (mirrors) to form a resonant cavity. Responsivity is calculated by solving the rate equation in each […]
IS14 – Tunable optical mode converter based on SOI asymmetric channel waveguides
An optical mode converter based on asymmetric dual channel waveguides is reported and analyzed. The first channel is infiltrated with nematic liquid crystal (NLC) material while the second one has BK7 glass core. The first higher order mode of the NLC core is coupled to the fundamental mode of the neighboring core with high coupling […]
SC04 – Performance Evaluation of Lead-Free Cs2CuSbCl6 Perovskite Solar Cells for > 21.67% Efficiency
This work investigates the performance of Cs2CuSbCl6-based lead-free perovskite solar cells for photovoltaic applications. Cs2CuSbCl6 has a bandgap of 1.7eV and it is a durable and non-toxic material. Cs2CuSbCl6 can absorb more photons and thus obtain high efficiency. This work has been performed using SCAPS-1D software with the focus on optimizing the absorber layer thickness […]
LED07 – Effect of Parabolic Quantum Well on Internal Quantum Efficiency of InGaN/GaN based MicroLED at low current density
The quantum cascade stark effect (QCSE) in rectangular shaped quantum well (QW) poses a hindrance to increase the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of nitride based LEDs. To circumvent the said problem for micro-LEDs operating at low current density, a parabolic QW structure has been proposed which is found to be useful to alleviate the QCSE […]
P08 – Tunable Guided-mode resonance filter using Spacetime Periodic Structure
We present a tunable planar guided-mode resonance (GMR) filter using time-varying permittivity along grating nanobars. Results show that the effective medium concept in the temporal state is exactly the same as the spatial state. Furthermore, the structure has spatial periodicity to save the resonance peak of the passive GMR in addition to the temporal periodicity […]
SC03 – Simulation and Optimization of Nano-structured Gratings Alternative of Thin-film Anti-Reflectors for GaAs Solar Cells Conversion Efficiency Improvement
Modern civilization demands energy, and the energy demand is increasing almost every day all over the world. The dependency on conventional energy resources including fossil fuel, oil, gas, coal etc. are not in favor of having sustainable global earth. For this reason, renewable or clean energy is one only option while acquiring energy from the […]
N07 – DFT investigation of optoelectronic properties of ultra-small C, CN and SiC nanotubes
We investigated the optoelectronic properties of ultra-small armchair (3,3) carbon (C), carbon nitride (CN) and silicon cabride (SiC) nanotubes using the density functional theory (DFT). We performed the calculations for two potentials Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof Generalized Gradient Approximation (PBEGGA) and Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson (TB-mBJ) potential. The results show a semiconducting nature with direct and indirect gap for […]
LD15 – Design Analysis of Linear Graded Quantum barriers in Ultravoilet-C Laser Diodes
We demonstrated ultraviolet laser diode with improved optical and electrical features. By employing linear graded rising aluminium concentration in phases from first quantum barrier to last quantum barrier, the suggested LD design improves internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and output power while minimizing the lasing threshold. The proposed LD increases optical gain while lowering carrier leakage […]
N03 – Band structures in highly strained 3D nanowires
We mathematically derive a new nonlinear strain model to simulate the conduction and valence bands in highly bent 3D hexagonal nanowires with GaAs core and asymmetric (AlαIn1-α)As stressor. The model is based on a transformation of the 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and an appropriate energy functional that captures the dynamics of the induced strain due […]
LED08 – Influence of Prestrained Graded InGaN interlayer on the Optical Characteristics of InGaN/GaN MQW-based LEDs
In this work, an InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well light emitting diode is designed with different kinds of prestrain layers (InGaN) inserted between the active region and n-GaN layer to demonstrate the effects of piezoelectric polarization on GaN-based LEDs. The device describes a GaN buffer layer which promotes charge injection by minimizing energy barrier between electrode and […]
IS06 – Characteristics of All-Optical Gate Switch Employing Quasi-Phase-Matched Lithium Niobate Devices
We analyze characteristics of all-optical switches using the cascade of second harmonic generation and difference frequency mixing in quasi-phase-matched lithium niobate devices. Numerical calculations consider not only the pulse waveforms but also the optical noises.
P22 – Dynamics of colliding Bragg solitons in a dual-core system with separated grating and cubic-quintic nonlinearity
We investigate the collisions of counterpropagating Bragg solitons in a dual-core optical coupler where one core has cubic-quintic nonlinearity and is coupled to another linear core equipped with a uniform Bragg grating. The outcomes of the collisions are diverse and exhibit rich dynamics.
P06 – Flexible, Process-Aware Compact Model of Effective Index in Silicon Waveguides for Commercial Foundries
We report the performance of a compact model for the effective index of SOI wire waveguides, showing exceptional agreement with simulated effective index and confinement factors. The development of such a model represents a potential pathway toward better modeling of silicon photonic devices in commercial foundry processes.
LED06 – Ray Tracing Simulation of a GaN-based integrated LED-Photodetector System
An optical sensor system consisting of a pair of GaN LED and Photodetector (PD) is simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics, and the possibility of using this system as absorption coefficient sensor is studied. By locating both LED and PD on a same substrate and measuring transmitted power to the PD, it would be possible to sense […]
P10 – Ultraviolet and Infrared Blocking Meta-glasses for Electric Vehicles
The air-conditioning systems installed in electric vehicles (EVs) consume a significant portion of battery power, thus, limiting EVs’ operating mileage. A design of an automobile windshield that can passively control the heat and light transmitted through it, could improve EV’s performance by reducing the need for air-conditioning. Here, we present a ‘meta-glass’ coating design that […]
D04 – Numerical simulation on the dependence of photoresponse on the thickness of the charge layer for GaN SAM avalanche photodiodes
GaN avalanche photodiode (APD) has important application prospects in the field of solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) detections. The back-illuminated GaN-based detector has been widely studied due to the advantages such as easy integration with readout circuit. Numerical model of GaN APD is established. The influence of the key function layer (charge layer) thickness on the device […]
NM08 – Silicon-Based Plasmonic Nanoantennas at midinfrared for Gas Sensing Applications
Advanced nanotechnology especially CMOS technology- enables us to re-design the classic antenna in the nanoscale, which can convert propagating optical wavelengths instead of radio and microwave wavelengths into localized energy and vice versa. As a result, sensors may be designed to make sensing molecules with their characteristic vibrational transitions easier. Bowtie silicon nanoantennas are investigated […]
N06 – Numerical simulations of nonparaxial solitons and their interaction dynamics in coupled Helmholtz systems
The role of nonparaxiality provides a fertile ground for fabricating miniaturized nanoscale devices. In this work, we examine the existence of nonparaxial solitons in a dimensionless coupled nonlinear Helmholtz system, allowing the propagation of ultra-broad nonparaxial pulses in a birefringent optical waveguide. We analytically obtain a bright soltion solution by using standard Hirota’s bilinearization method. […]
IS10 – Modelling and Characterisation of Silicon Waveguides in Photonic Integrated Circuits
Modelling and characterization of basic waveguiding structures in integrated photonics is important due to the large variety of established and emerging technologies used for fabrication. In this contribution we present a modelling and characterization approach for integrated silicon waveguides. We provide waveguide characteristics calculated from eigenmode simulation and optical measurement results.