Oral51 Videos

IS01 – Network Authentication with Synchronized Chaotic Lasers

Lombardi L., Annovazzi-Lodi V., Aromataris G.

We numerically study a hardware method for network authentication, where a pair of matched (twins) chaotic lasers generate the same chaos when they synchronize, being subject to the same optical injection from a third chaotic laser. One of the lasers is in the secure environment, the other in the unsecure environment, and authorization is granted […]

LED01 – First-principles computation of charge-carrier recombination coefficients in optoelectronic materials

Zhang X.

Charge-carrier recombination plays a decisive role in determining the efficiency of optoelectronic materials and devices, but their accurate experimental measurements and interpretation are challenging. In this context, first-principles computation of charge-carrier recombination coefficients is particularly useful. It allows not only rigorous computation of the recombination rates, but also intuitive interpretation of the microscopic recombination mechanisms […]

MM01 – Rigorous modal analysis of micro or nanoresonators

Lalanne P.

The most general motion of a system is a superposition of its normal modes, or eigenstates. We report our recent developments of a rigorous modal analysis of electromagnetic resonators, which is accurate even for geometries that have not been analyzed so far, e.g. 3D resonators made of dispersive media and placed in non-homogeneous backgrounds (on […]

D03 – 3D multiphysics transient modeling of vertical Ge-on-Si pin waveguide photodetectors

Alasio M. G. C., Franco P., Tibaldi A., Bertazzi F., Namnabat S., Adams D., Gothoskar P., Masini G., Forghieri F., Ghione G., Goano M.

We report transient simulations of Ge-on-Si vertical pin waveguide photodetectors (WPDs), where the optical generation term used by the time-domain model is the FDTD solution of the electromagnetic problem treated as a spatially-distributed pulsed signal. This approach, validated against experimental measurements of the frequency response, paves the way to future studies of the dynamic response […]

IS04 – All-optical AND Logic Gate Based on Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers for Implementing Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

Alam B., Ceschini A., Rosato A., Panella M., Asquini R.

The development of optical logic gates is a key factor for enabling next generation of computations in the context of Deep Learning and Quantum Computing. In this work, we introduce a scheme for the implementation of an all-optical AND logic gate, which makes use of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) in cross-phase modulation configuration combined with […]

MM06 – Dual-Potential Finite-Difference Technique for Computational Electrodynamics

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We present a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique suitable for coupling with quantum-transport solvers. We derive first-order equations for the electric and magnetic vector potentials and the electric scalar potential which, upon the adoption of the Coulomb gauge, decouple into solenoidal and irrotational equation sets and are sourced by the solenoidal and irrotational parts of the […]

LD08 – Modeling of THz Comb Emission in Difference-Frequency Quantum Cascade Lasers

Popp J., Seitner L., Schreiber M., Haider M., Consolino L., Cappelli F., De Natale P., Fujita K., Jirauschek C.

The generation of terahertz (THz) frequency comb emission by intracavity difference frequency generation (DFG) in a mid-infrared (mid-IR) quantum cascade laser (QCL) is a promising alternative to direct THz QCL frequency comb generation. Concerning their room temperature operation capabilities, these devices are well suited for applications in rotational molecular spectroscopy and sensing. In order to […]

SC01 – Built-in electric field in irregular morphologies of bulk-heterojunction solar cells

Flores-Contreras I. C., Cabrera-Arenas V., Reséndiz-Mendoza L. M.

This paper theoretically analyzes the built-in electric field distribution in bulk heterojunction solar cells. The approach proposed leads to explore the impact of regular and irregular morphologies on the performance of these devices. The width of the depletion region at the donor-acceptor interface is set by the doping concentration. The proposed analysis resulted in the […]

MM03 – Implementation of Partially Reflecting Boundary Conditions in the Generalized Maxwell-Bloch Equations

Schreiber M., Popp J., Seitner L., Haider M., Jirauschek C.

Perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary conditions have been used for several decades for the simulation of open domains within the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. In this paper, we report on a new PML-based partially reflecting boundary condition for the generalized Maxwell-Bloch equations that enables setting a certain value of reflectance R at the […]

MM04 – Simulation of ac conductivity of monolayer MoS2 at terahertz frequencies

Mitra S.,

We present a multiphysics numerical tool for calculating the terahertz (THz) conductivity of transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). The tool combines the ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) technique for carrier transport with a three-dimensional finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) solver for electromagnetic fields. We use the coupled EMC–FDTD technique to calculate the frequency-dependent conductivity in the terahertz range for monolayer MoS2, […]

MM02 – Carrier transport in (In,Ga)N quantum well systems: Connecting atomistic tight-binding electronic structure theory to drift-diffusion simulations

O’Donovan M., Farrell P., Streckenbach T., Koprucki T., Schulz S.

Understanding the impact of the alloy microstructure on carrier transport in (In,Ga)N/GaN quantum well systems is important for aiding device design. We study the impact that alloy fluctuations have on uni-polar carrier transport for both electrons (n-i-n junction) and holes (p-i-p junction) using a multiscale framework. To do so we connect an atomistic tight-binding model […]

MM05 – Comparison of flux discretizations for varying band edge energies

Moatti J., Farrell P.

Recently, a multiscale framework was developed where drift-diffusion is combined with atomistic tight-binding models. A naive flux discretization was proposed to tackle the problem of heavily fluctuating band edge energies which does not take into account mathematical complications. Here we would like to present several alternatives and compare them.

P03 – Numerical Simulations on Quantum Noise Squeezing for Soliton-like Pulses in Optical Fiber

Sorokin A. A., Salnikov N. I., Kosareva A. N., Alyukova V. P., Leuchs G.

Generation of light with nonclassical properties, such as squeezed light, has gathered a lot of attention because of possible uses in such areas as quantum state engineering, quantum imaging, continuous variable quantum computing, and detection of gravitational waves. Squeezed light is generally produced by transporting light through a nonlinear medium. One such media is Kerr-nonlinear […]

MM10 – Full-Vectorial Meshfree Finite Cloud Mode Solver for Fused Fiber-Optic Couplers

Wu X., Xiao J.

A novel full-vectorial meshfree finite cloud mode solver is proposed for analysis of fused optic-fiber couplers, in which the curvilinear coordinate mapping technique is used to map a cloud with curved interface onto a unit square. Numerical results are compared with prior analysis using the finite difference method, showing the validity and utility of the […]

LD06 – Relative intensity noise of injection-locked epitaxial quantum dot laser on silicon

Chu Q., Zhao S., Grillot F., Wang J., He F., Zhang M., Xu X., Yao Y., Duan J.

This work investigates the relative intensity noise (RIN) characteristics of quantum dot (QD) lasers epitaxially grown on silicon subject to the optical injection. The effect of threading dislocation (TD), which acts as nonradiative recombination centers in the Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) process, is considered in the rate equation model. The results reveal that the RIN is enhanced […]

D01 – Non-Uniform Time-Stepping For Fast Simulation of Photodetectors Under High-Peak-Power, Ultra-Short Optical Pulses

Simsek E., Anjum I. Md, Carruthers T. F., Menyuk C. R.

A novel non-uniform time-stepping procedure is developed to reduce the memory usage and simulation time—by two orders of magnitude—of photodetectors when detecting high-peak-power, ultra-short optical pulses. The proposed procedure can be used in other marching-on-in-time solvers to achieve the same for the simulations dealing with ultra-short pulses.

MM08 – Data-driven doping reconstruction

Piani S., Lei W., Heltai L., Rotundo N., Farrell P.

To reconstruct doping profiles via opto-electronic techniques (e.g. LBIC and LPS), we formulate an inverse problem based on the van Roosbroeck system. To solve it, we use neural networks fed with data created from efficient implementations of the forward model. We discuss errors of the reconstructed doping profiles as well as their robustness with respect […]

NM02 – Impact of random alloy fluctuations on the electronic and optical properties of c-plane AlxGa1−xN/AlN quantum wells

Finn R., Schulz S.

We present a theoretical study of the electronic and optical properties of c-plane AlxGa1−xN/AlN quantum wells emitting in the ultraviolet-A (UV-A) to UV-C spectral range. Special attention is paid to the impact of alloy fluctuations on the results. We find that random alloy fluctuations in (Al,Ga)N are already sufficient to cause strong carrier localization effects. […]