Novel Materials and Devices15 Videos

NM02 – Impact of random alloy fluctuations on the electronic and optical properties of c-plane AlxGa1−xN/AlN quantum wells

Finn R., Schulz S.

We present a theoretical study of the electronic and optical properties of c-plane AlxGa1−xN/AlN quantum wells emitting in the ultraviolet-A (UV-A) to UV-C spectral range. Special attention is paid to the impact of alloy fluctuations on the results. We find that random alloy fluctuations in (Al,Ga)N are already sufficient to cause strong carrier localization effects. […]

NM08 – Silicon-Based Plasmonic Nanoantennas at midinfrared for Gas Sensing Applications

Alsayed A. E., Ghanim A. M., Yahia A., Swillam M. A.

Advanced nanotechnology especially CMOS technology- enables us to re-design the classic antenna in the nanoscale, which can convert propagating optical wavelengths instead of radio and microwave wavelengths into localized energy and vice versa. As a result, sensors may be designed to make sensing molecules with their characteristic vibrational transitions easier. Bowtie silicon nanoantennas are investigated […]

NM01 – Machine Learning Assisted Material and Device Parameter Extraction From Measurements Of Thin Film Semiconductor Devices

Knapp E., Battaglia M., Jenatsch S., Ruhstaller B.

The simulation of thin film semiconductor devices is challenging, partly due to the unknown material and device parameters. In this contribution, we present two different approaches to determine the missing material and device parameters from measurements. They both have in common that they are based on machine learning (ML) and numerical models. First, a numerical […]

NM14-Mid-infrared optical modulator based on D-shaped PCF

Younis B. M., Yazeed N., Usama E., El-Sayed B., Almoqadem M. H., El-Sonbaty M. A., El-Shawadfy A., Abd-Elaziz A., Mahmoud S., Hameed M. F. O.,

Recently, photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) have become of compelling interest due to their diverse applications, especially in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) wavelength regime. In this work, an optical mid-IR modulator based on D-shaped PCF with germanium-antimony-tellurium (GST) as a phase-changing material (PCM) is presented and analyzed. Because of the phase transition of the GST material between […]

NM10 – One channel tunable bandpass superconducting filter for wavelength selective switching applications in communications systems

Gonzalez Reyes L. E., Segura-Gutierrez L. M., Ordonez J. E., Zambrano G., Reina J. H.

We design and evaluate the performance of optical filters that are built from one-dimensional photonic crystals (PhCs) amenable for integration into optical networks based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The photonic heterostructures comprise the integration of a ferroelectric (BaTiO3), a dielectric (Y2O3), and a critical high-temperature superconductor material (YBa2Cu3O7−X) in between. Such nanosystems can allow […]

NM13-Highly sensitive ring resonator based refractive index sensor for label free biosensing applications

Kundal S., Khandelwal A.

Ring resonator based label free refractive index biosensor is proposed for detecting glucose and hemoglobin concentrations. To improve device sensitivity and Q factor, various parameters of ring resonator are optimized. The designed ring resonator sensor can sense hemoglobin and glucose concentrations with a high sensitivity of 424 nm/RIU and Q factor of 802.

NM09 – Calculation of intersubband absorption in n-doped BaSnO3 quantum wells

Stanojević N., Radovanović J., Vuković N.

In this work we explore novel and promising BaO/BaSnO3 perovskite-oxide quantum well material system which has recently attracted attention due to its many advantages and possible applications in electronic devices. We focus on calculation of intersubband absorption in La-doped BaSnO3 quantum wells and investigate the tuning of absorption spectra with QW thickness and external electric […]

NM07 – Early Cancer Detection by Plasmonic PCF Sensor

Abdelghaffar M., Gamal Y., Soliman W., Badr Y., Hameed M. F. O., Obayya S. S. A.

Great research work has been studied for cancer detection due to its high death rate. In this paper, a novel design of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is introduced and numerically analyzed for cancer cell detection. Full vectorial finite element method (FVFEM) is used throughout the numerical analysis of […]

NM06 – Modelling an Acousto-Optic Beam Shaping Device for a DIRCM Laser Laboratory Setup

Keski̇n M. Z., Fi̇gen Z. G., Özdür İ. T.

Directed Infrared Counter Measure (DIRCM) laser laboratory setups are used to mimic the real life DIRCM system and IR heat-seeking missile engagement scenarios in isolated laboratory environments. Typically, the output beam of a mid-infrared (Mid-IR) laser source is modulated in time using an acousto-optic (AO) modulator (AOM). Following the AOM in the optical path, within […]

NM03 – Simulation of Near-IR and Mid-IR Cascade Raman Microlasers Based on Bismuth-Modified Tungsten-Tellurite Glass

Anashkina E. A., Andrianov A. V.

We theoretically investigate cascade Raman generation in bismuth-modified tungsten-tellurite glass microlasers, for the first time for microcavities based on TeO2 glasses. The calculated results demonstrate the opportunities of CW Raman generation in the near-IR and mid-IR ranges with CW pump at the wavelength of 1.55 μm. The predicted wavelengths are 1.81 µm, 2.17 µm, 2.70 […]